SPP patch for qmail + jms patch

We are in the process of shifting our servers which meant setting up of all needed services on the new server. One of the services was email. Qmail has always been my choice for a mail server. I have never really got to the details of qmail installation as most of the work was handled by a script written by Vamsy which was based on QMR. I am a big fan of Qmail-SPP as it provides a plugin interface to qmail-smtpd. This makes it possible to extend qmail-smtpd's functionality by scripts, programs etc without much knowledge of qmail intricacies.

I used qmail-spp to do a variety of things like greylisting, valid recipient check, RBL checks, user wise outgoing mail restriction etc. Not that they cant be done otherwise, but most required patching qmail. So this time around, vamsy found a fantastic combined patch by John simpson which is a one stop patch for qmail. But after this patch the qmail-spp patch would not work. Though John's patches and scripts do almost everything I need (except for a couple), I would feel comfortable only when I know that qmail-spp is available. Hence, here is my attempt to create a qmail-spp patch which can be applied after the jms patch.

Qmail - 1.03
Jms - 1.7.07 (http://qmail.jms1.net/patches/qmail-1.03-jms1.7.07.patch)
Qmail-SPP - 0.42 (http://sourceforge.net/projects/qmail-spp/files/qmail-spp/0.42/qmail-spp-0.42.tar.gz/download)

How to?

wget http://qmail.jms1.net/patches/qmail-1.03-jms1.7.07.patch
wget http://sourceforge.net/projects/qmail-spp/files/qmail-spp/0.42/qmail-spp-0.42.tar.gz/download
wget http://vinay.in/files/qmail-1.03-jms-1.7.07-qmail-spp-0.42.patch
cd qmail-1.03
patch < ../qmail-1.03-jms1.7.07.patch
patch <../qmail-1.03-jms-1.7.07-qmail-spp-0.42.patch
qmail-1.03-jms-1.7.07-qmail-spp-0.42.patch13.56 KB